So this Scraptrivations challenge is perfect for me at this time as I declared this year all about me. I want to put me into the books a little more and I want to take care of myself a lot more. I figure if I am taking care of myself I will feel better and be able to better care for my loved ones.
So yay I made it into the album a few times this year so far and I have been taking better care of myself too. Both of these things are easier said than done but I am a work in progress. Here is the adorable sketch I had to work with. I LOVE sketches they make it so easy to get started on a page.
I didn't stray to far from the sketch. I often stay pretty close to the general layout. I extended the photo's a little and moved the title and journaling around.. I also love to rotate sketches. I might give this sketch another go at a later date and turn it on it's side. I have done that in the past and ended up making a whole vacation album that way. It was so fun and easy to do.
I have been wanting to scrap these photo's of me at the beach for a while but was not sure where I wanted to go with them as I didn't like the way they turned out but since I love the ocean so much I didn't want to not use them. I was so excited when the title just came to me along with the little journaling box that starts off "i love..." I decided to journal about how the ocean gets deep in my soul and make any and all worried away and even though I live thousands of miles from it when I get near it just makes me feel like I am home.